For information about the MARC Bibliographic Data Format, select one of the topics below:




Variable Control Fields  (00X)

Variable Data Fields  (0XX-9XX)


Tag List  (001-999)

Tag List  (A-Z)


RDA in MARC Bibliographic Data


Shortcut:  Use the Tag Lists to look for a particular MARC field.

See also:

MARC 21 Formats

MARC 21 Format for Authority Data

Cataloger's Reference Shelf


Source:  The information contained in this section of the Cataloger's Reference Shelf is based on MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, Including Guidelines for Content Designation, 1999 Edition, and includes all updates through Update No. 33, November 2021, prepared by the Network Development and MARC Standards Office; Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., in cooperation with Standards, Library and Archives Canada and Bibliographic Development, British Library.  See the disclaimer.