Character position definition and scope:

A three-character number specifying the exact bit depth of the scanned image(s) that comprise(s) the electronic resource, or a three-character alphabetic code which indicates that the exact bit depth cannot be recorded.  Bit depth is determined by the number of bits used to define each pixel representing the image.  Since only exact bit depth is useful, coding should not include missing digits represented by hyphens ( - ).  Three fill characters ( ||| ) are used when no attempt has been made to code this data element.

Record requirements for National-level and Minimal-level records:  Optional.

Guidelines for applying content designators:




Exact bit depth




Not applicable  Bit depth is not applicable to this electronic resource because there are no images.


Unknown  Bit depth level of the image(s) comprising the electronic resource are not known.


No attempt to code

Content designator history:

007/06-08  Image bit depth  [new, 1999]

To return, select:

007:  Electronic resource

007  Physical Description Fixed Field