24X Subfield $p - Name of part/section of a work:  [242, 245, 246, 247]

Subfield $p contains a name of a part/section of a work in a title.

In records formulated according to ISBD principles, subfield $p data follows a:

period ( . ) when it is preceded by subfield $a, $b, or another subfield $p

comma ( , ) when it follows subfield $n


245  10  $aAdvanced calculus.$pStudent handbook.

245  10  $aInternationale Strassenkarte.$pEurope 1:2.5 Mio. :$bmit Register = International road map.$pEurope, 1:2.5 mio : with index /$cRV Reise- und Verkehrsverlag.

245  00  $aHistorical statistics.$pSupplement /$c ...

245  00  $aDissertation abstracts.$nA,$pThe humanities and social sciences.

245  00  $aDeutsche Bibliographie.$pWochentliches Verzeichnis.$nReihe B,$pBeilage, Erscheinungen ausserhalb des Verlagsbuchhandels:$bAmtsblatt der Deutschen Bibliothek.

Subfields $n and $p are repeated only when following a subfield $a, $b, $n, or $p.  If a title recorded in subfield $c includes the name and/or number of a part/section, those elements are not separately subfield coded.


245  00  $aZentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene.$n1. Abt. Originale.$nReihe B,$pHygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Betriebshygiene, präventive Medizin.

245  00  $aAnnual report of the Minister of Supply and Service Canada under the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act.$nPart II,$pLabour unions =$bRapport annuel du ministre des Approvisionnements et services Canada présenté sous l'empire et des syndicates ouvriers.$nPartie II,$pSyndicats ouvriers.

To return, select:

242  Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency

245  Title Statement

246  Varying Form of Title

247  Former Title