The addendum consists of changes to the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data resulting from revised decisions made regarding the outcome of MARC Proposal No. 2019-01, which came about after the publication of Update No. 28 (May, 2019).  A full accounting of those changes can be found in the STATUS/COMMENTS section at the head of the proposal.

New content designators:

Subfield codes

$f  Use and reproduction rights (R) in 845 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note)

$g  Availability date (R) in 845 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note)

$q  Supplying agency (NR) in 845 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note)

$2  Source of term (NR) in 845 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note)

$7  Access status (NR) in 856 (Electronic Location and Access)

Withdrawn element previously published in Update 28:


540  Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note rescinded.  The new field is redundant because it is identical to existing field 845 (Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note).  The four new subfields in field 845 listed above have been defined instead.

See also:

Appendix F:  Format Change Lists
