Ambiguous Entities:

Treat the ambiguous entities listed below under the general principles for conference names, and establish them under the provision of 24.7, AACR2, tagging them as X11.

image\POINT_BL.gif Athletic contests

image\POINT_BL.gif Parades

image\POINT_BL.gif Competitions

image\POINT_BL.gif Public celebrations, pageants, anniversaries

image\POINT_BL.gif Contests

image\POINT_BL.gif Races (Contests)

image\POINT_BL.gif Expeditions, Military

image\POINT_BL.gif Sporting events

image\POINT_BL.gif Expeditions, Scientific

image\POINT_BL.gif Tournaments

image\POINT_BL.gif Games (Events)


Events ( FN 1):

Before August 1996, events were established either as name or subject headings, tagged X11 or X50 respectively. After July 1996, establish all events as name headings, tagged X11. Although AACR2 foes not provide specifically for these types of headings, follow the general principles of 24.7, AACR2. Do not retain the pre-August 1996 heading as a reference, unless it is a valid AACR2 reference. Note that a qualifier of the type specified by 24.4B may be necessary when the name does not convey the idea of an event, e.g., Rose Bowl (Football game), but Miss America Pageant.

LC practice: Convert headings for events existing in the subject authority file to name headings as needed. In converting subject authority records to name authority records, copy the subject authority record into the name authority file. Add the control number of the subject authority record as a 010 $z; revise the form of heading and the tagging; delete any 053 field; evaluate existing references (revise or delete), add additional references as appropriate, delete any 550 fields ( FN 2); retain any 670 field(S) as is (including "Work cat." preceding the citation), add a 670 field that justifies the heading chosen (item being cataloged or LC database citation); and change FFD 8 to value n, code FFD 12 as appropriate , and add the cataloger's code in FFD 25.

Submit a proposal to delete the record from the subject authority file to the Subject Headings Editorial Team, Cataloging Policy and Support Office in accordance with procedures in Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings H193, section 11, and H193.5. (NACO libraries: Submit the proposal to Cooperative Cataloging Team, Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division.)


Dates as Qualifiers

Always use dates as qualifiers to headings for expeditions, even if there is no current conflict. For the form of the qualifier, see rule 24.4C6.

24.7A. Omissions

24.7B. Additions

See also:

24. Headings for Corporate Bodies