Rule 25.10A applies to collections of three or more works in one form when the author writes (or is assumed to write) in two or more forms.

The purpose of the rule is to provide a sensible gathering point in the catalog for items whose titles are more or less inadequate. Thus, if a collection covered by 25.10A has an adequate title, the rule should not be applied. In order to have a uniform approach to this concept of adequacy of title, apply the following instructions:

1. Consider that the title is inadequate and that consequently this rule should be applied to the following cases:

a. The title proper of the collection is instructive (normally do not consider that the presence of the author’s name in the title makes it distinctive).

Example A

b. The collection lacks a collective title proper (1.1G).

Example B

2. Consider that the title is adequate in all other cases.

Example C

For collections containing works in translation, see LCRI 25.11.

Composers and Writers:

If a person has written both musical and literary works, apply the following:

1. If the person is primarily a composer, use the uniform title "Literary works" for editions containing the complete literary works. (For collections containing the complete musical and literary works, apply LCRI 25.8.). For partial collections of the literary works containing one particular form, use one of the uniform titles specified in 25.10. For partial collections of the literary works containing more than one particular form, use the uniform title "Literary works. Selections" not "Selections."

2. If the person is primarily a writer, use the uniform title "Musical works" for editions containing the complete musical works. (For collections containing the complete literary and musical works, apply LCRI 25.8). For partial collections of the musical works containing various types of compositions in one broad or specific medium or containing one type, use one of the uniform titles specified in 25.34C. For partial collections of the musical works containing various types of composition in various media, use the uniform title "Musical works. Selections" not "Selections."

See also:

25. Uniform Titles