A cataloger’s note (tag 952) is used to record a variety of information, including information previously recorded manually on the shelflist card. Short one- or two- word notes are normally transcribed without ending punctuation or quotation marks. Ending punctuation may be included when the note contains a full sentence(s), unless the punctuation would cause confusion (e.g., adding a period at the end of a call number).

Acquisitions Control Number:

A standard notation is used to record the acquisitions control number assigned to control rare material prior to cataloging. Example:

Multiple Copies:

When a single bibliographic description is used to describe items that appear to have been printed from the same engraving plate are, therefore, identical in every aspect except coloration, record the variations in coloring in a cataloger’s note (tag 952). The construction of the note includes the total number of copies retained and the variations of each copy. Example:

Although more than one copy may be \retained for other reasons, normally only one copy of each multiple color variations is retained. If two or more identically colored copies are discovered only the better preserved copy is retained. The duplicate(s) is transferred to the Acquisitions Unit for "price exchange."

On-Going Bibliographies:

Standardized notations, in abbreviated form, are used to identify items within the scope of on-going bibliographies to facilitate retrieval for future evaluation and production of the updates bibliography.






References to Unpublished Descriptions:

A cataloger’s note (tag 952) is used to record a descriptive reference in an unpublished bibliography. Even though this information is not recorded in a citation/references note (tag 510) the format of the information should normally be in a standardized, brief format. Example:

Special Status or Special Location:

Use a cataloger’s note (tag 952) to record special status or location information not brought out elsewhere in the bibliographic description. Examples:


A cataloger’s note should be added for all materials filed in the Vault. This note should always take the form Vault even if the item is filed in a special collection in the vault.

See also:
