VIII.1.  Examples

The examples are not in themselves prescriptive, but are meant to provide a model of reliable application and interpretation of the rule in question.  A word, phrase, element, or entire area may be illustrated; ISBD punctuation is given as needed only for the portion illustrated.

VIII.2.  Notes

The instructions and guidelines in area 7 are written in imperative form.  This does not imply that all notes are required; on the contrary, most notes are not (see 7A1.5).  Consult the other areas of DCRM(B) in order to ascertain what is required and what is optional in any given situation (see 7A1).  The conventions for notes included as part of the examples are as follows.

"Note" indicates that the note is required if applicable.

"Optional note" indicates that the note is not required.  The labeling of a note as “optional” in these rules carries no judgment about its importance (see introductory section IV); certain notes designated as “optional” may in fact be almost universally applied.

"Local note" indicates a note describing copy-specific information not affecting areas 1-6 that is required if applicable (see 7B19).  It must be clearly identified as a local note according to the provisions of 7B19.1.1.  Copy-specific information that does affect areas 1-6, such as basing the description on an imperfect copy (see 0B2.2), is required and recorded in a general note.

"Optional local note" indicates that the note describing copy-specific information is not required.

"Comment" prefaces details needed to adequately explain the example, and are not to be confused with notes appearing within the bibliographical description.

See also:


Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books):  Contents