Illuminator  [ilu]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person providing decoration to a specific item using precious metals or color, often with elaborate designs and motifs.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Item, Other

Illustrator  [ill]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization contributing to a resource by supplementing the primary content with drawings, diagrams, photographs, etc.  If the work is primarily the artistic content created by this entity, use artist or photographer.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor


USE  Licensor

Inscriber  [ins]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person who has written a statement of dedication or gift.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Item, Other


USE  Teacher

Instrumentalist  [itr]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A performer contributing to a resource by playing a musical instrument.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor

Interviewee  [ive]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family or organization responsible for creating or contributing to a resource by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Expression, Creator

Interviewer  [ivr]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization responsible for creating or contributing to a resource by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other information gathering agent.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Expression, Creator

Inventor  [inv]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a new device or process.

UF    Patent inventor

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Creator


USE  Originator

Issuing body  [isb]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family or organization issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Other

See also:

Relator Codes - Term Sequence