Panelist  [pan]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A performer contributing to a resource by participating in a program (often broadcast) where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor

Papermaker  [ppm]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization responsible for the production of paper, usually from wood, cloth, or other fibrous material.

Patent applicant  [pta]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization that applied for a patent.

Patent holder  [pth]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization that was granted the patent referred to by the item.

UF    Patentee

Patent inventor

USE  Inventor


USE  Patent holder

Patron  [pat]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization responsible for commissioning a work.  Usually a patron uses his or her means or influence to support the work of artists, writers, etc.  This includes those who commission and pay for individual works.

Performer  [prf]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person contributing to a resource by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc., often in a musical or dramatic presentation, etc.  If specific codes are used, [prf] is used for a person whose principal skill is not known or specified.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor

Performer of research

USE  Researcher

Permitting agency  [pma]  Authorities & Vocabularies

An organization (usually a government agency) that issues permits under which work is accomplished.

Photographer  [pht]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a photographic work.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Creator

Place of address  [pad]

The place to which a resource is sent, for example, the place of the postal address of a letter.

Plaintiff  [ptf]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Other

Plaintiff-appellant  [ptt]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A plaintiff who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.

Plaintiff-appellee  [pte]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A plaintiff against whom an appeal is taken from one court or jurisdiction to another to reverse the judgment, usually in a legal proceeding.

Platemaker  [plt]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization involved in manufacturing a manifestation by preparing plates used in the production of printed images and/or text.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Manifestation, Manufacturer

Plates, Printer of

USE  Printer of Plates

Praeses  [pra]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person who is the faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Creator

Presenter  [pre]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization mentioned in an "X presents" credit for moving image materials and who is associated with production, finance, or distribution in some way.  A vanity credit; in early years, normally the head of a studio.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor


USE  Conservator

Principal investigator

USE  Originator

Printer  [prt]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization involved in manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, etc., from type or plates, such as a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, score, etc.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Manifestation, Manufacturer

Printer of plates  [pop]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who prints illustrations from plates.

UF    Plates, Printer of

Printmaker  [prm]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who makes a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Manifestation, Manufacturer

Process contact  [prc]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization primarily responsible for performing or initiating a process, such as is done with the collection of metadata sets.

Producer  [pro]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, audio recording, television, webcast, etc.  The producer is generally responsible for fund raising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work

Producer of book

USE  Book producer

Production company  [prn]  Authorities & Vocabularies

An organization that is responsible for financial, technical, and organizational management of a production for stage, screen, audio recording, television, webcast, etc.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Other

Production designer  [prs]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor

Production manager  [pmn]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person responsible for all technical and business matters in a production.

Production personnel  [prd]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization associated with the production (props, lighting, special effects, etc.) of a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.

Production place  [prp]  Authorities & Vocabularies

The place of production (e.g., inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.) of a resource in an unpublished form.

Programmer  [prg]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization responsible for creating a computer program.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Creator

Project director  [pdr]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization with primary responsibility for all essential aspects of a project, has overall responsibility for managing projects, or provides overall direction to a project manager.


USE  Thesis advisor

Proofreader  [pfr]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person who corrects printed matter.  For manuscripts, use Corrector [crr].

Provider  [prv]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who produces, publishes, manufactures, or distributes a resource if specific codes are not desired (e.g. [mfr], [pbl]).

Publication place  [pup]  Authorities & Vocabularies

The place where a resource is published.

Publisher  [pbl]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a resource.

RDA Collections:  Collection

Publishing director  [pbd]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who presides over the elaboration of a collective work to ensure its coherence or continuity.  This includes editors-in-chief, literary editors, editors of series, etc.

Puppeteer  [ppt]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A performer contributing to a resource by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Expression, Contributor

See also:

Relator Codes - Term Sequence