
First indicator:

#  Undefined

Second indicator - Nonfiling characters

0  No nonfiling characters present

1-9  Number of nonfiling characters present

Subfield codes:

a  Key title (NR)

b  Qualifying information (NR)

6  Linkage (NR)

8  Field link and sequence number (R)

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (222 Key Title) for code definitions not given below.


Field 222 contains the key title provided by NSDP, ISSN Canada, and other national centers of the ISSN Network.  The key title is a unique title assigned in conjunction with the ISSN (field 022).  Field 222 is not repeatable according to CONSER practice.

CONSER members do not input key titles for U.S. or Canadian imprints.  Key titles for foreign imprints that have been verified in the ISSN Register, ISSN Compact, or ISSN Online may be input (see C6.4.).

Display constant

ISSN [number] = [Key title]  (AACR2)

Key title: [Title], ISSN [number]  (pre-AACR2)

The formatted note combining the key title with the ISSN and an indication of the cataloging rules is not carried in the MARC record as such.  It may be system generated as a display constant from data in field 022 (International Standard Serial Number), field 222, and the value in Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form).

Editing instructions

1.   Input initial articles.

2.   Do not input terminal punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation or a closing parenthesis.

Second indicator - Nonfiling characters

The second indicator specifies the number of nonfiling characters to be ignored for sorting purposes.  A diacritical mark or special character associated with the article is included in the count of nonfiling characters.  Any diacritic or special character associated with the first filing character is not included in the count of non-filing characters.  See field 245 for additional instructions.

222 #4 The Sourdough


$a  Key title.

Subfield $a contains the key title.

222 #0 101 gardening and outdoor ideas

245 00 Woman's day 101 gardening and outdoor ideas.

222 #0 Journal of polymer science. Part B. Polymer letters

245 00 Journal of polymer science. $n Part B, $p Polymer letters.

222 #4 The Worldwide art catalogue bulletin. American library edition

245 04 The worldwide art catalogue bulletin.

250 ## American library ed.

222 #0 Farm futures

245 00 Farm futures.

$b  Qualifying information.

Input qualifying information provided in subfield $b in parentheses.

222 #0 Economic education bulletin $b (Great Barrington)

245 00 Economic education bulletin.

222 #0 Russian history $b (Pittsburgh)

245 00 Russian history.

$6  Linkage.

For instructions on use of subfield $6, see field 880.

Related fields, etc.

022, 210

222 Key Title  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:

20X-24X  Title and Title-Related Fields

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents