Reference note fields lead from one heading to one or more other headings.  A reference note field is used when more complex reference instruction is needed than can be conveyed by one or more simple cross references generated from 4XX and/or 5XX fields.

Cross reference displays generated from the reference note fields are complex cross references.  In a complex cross reference display, the content of the 1XX field of a record is the heading referred from, and, following a reference instruction phrase, the reference note field contains the heading(s) referred to.

In fields 260 and 360, the complete reference instruction may be a combination of a phrase implicitly associated with the field tag and explicit text in subfield $i (Explanatory text).

In fields 663, 664, 665, and 666, the reference instruction text is contained in subfield $a (Explanatory text).


008/09   f  [established heading and subdivision record]

150  ##  $aManagement

360  ##  $isubject subdivision$aManagement$iunder types of industries

[Reference instruction phrase is associated with field tag 360 and is also explicit in 360$i.]

Cross reference display example:


search also under:  subject subdivision Management under types of industries

008/09   a  [established heading record]

100  1#  $aArlen, Harold,$d1905-1986.$tBloomer girl

664  ##  $aFor collections beginning with this title search under$bArlen, Harold, 1905-1986$tMusical comedies. Selections

[Reference instruction phrase is explicit in field 664 subfield $a.]

Cross reference display example:

Arlen, Harold, 1905- 1986 Bloomer girl

For collections beginning with this title search under:  Arlen, Harold, 1905-1986 Musical comedies. Selections

There are two types of reference note fields:

those used in records for established headings

those used in reference records

The fields used for see also reference notes (fields 360, 663, and 665) are used to lead from an established heading to other established headings.  The fields used for see reference notes (fields 260, 664, and 666) are used in reference records to lead from an unestablished heading to established headings.

Current cataloging practice does not encourage the use of a reference note field if cross references generated from tracings in one or more 4XX and/or 5XX fields will provide satisfactory user guidance.  For example, instead of carrying a 665 history reference field in each of the established heading records involved in corporate body name changes, each name is traced in a 4XX or 5XX field.  The earlier or later name relationship between each 4XX or 5XX field and the 1XX field is indicated by a code in subfield $w/0 (Special relationship).

See also:

Reference Note Fields:  Complex Cross References

Tracing Fields

Tracing Fields:  Simple Cross References

To return:

Use the key.