The following documents the changes contained in the twenty-third update to the 1999 edition of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.  Update No. 23 (November 2016) includes changes resulting from proposals that were considered by the MARC 21 community during June 2016.

New content designators:


647  Subject Added Entry - Named Event  (R)

885  Matching Information  (R)

Indicator value

028  Publisher Number - 1st indicator (Type of number):  value 6 (Distributor number)

Subfield codes

$e  Relator term (R) in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)

$0  Authority record control number or standard number (R) in 257 (Country of Producing Entity)

$0  Authority record control number or standard number (R) in 377 (Associated Language)

$3  Materials specified (NR) in 382 (Medium of Performance)

$4  Relator code (R) in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)


n  Non-ISBD punctuation omitted in Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form)

p  Piano score in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

u  General linking, type unspecified in Subfield code $8 - Field link and sequence number in Appendix A (Control Subfields)

Changes in content designator names and definitions:


028  Publisher Number redefined and renamed Publisher or Distributor Number

046  Special Coded Dates field definition and scope redescribed.


028  Publisher or Distributor Number - 1st indicator:  Type of publisher number renamed Type of number

Indicator values

028  Publisher or Distributor Number - 1st indicator (Type of number) values:

1  Matrix number - instruction removed:  "Use as an identifying number when the item has no issue or label number"

3  Other music number renamed Other music publisher number

4  Videorecording number renamed Video recording publisher number

Subfield codes

$a  Publisher number renamed Publisher or distributor number in 028 (Publisher or Distributor Number)

$a  Stock number redescribed in 037 (Source of Acquisition)

$b  Source redescribed in 028 (Publisher or Distributor Number)

$b  Date 1, B.C. date renamed Date 1, B.C.E. date in 046 (Special Coded Dates)

$d  Date 2, B.C. date renamed Date 2, B.C.E. date in 046 (Special Coded Dates)

$k  Beginning or single date created redescribed in 046 (Special Coded Dates)

$0  Authority record control number or standard number redescribed in Appendix A (Control Subfields)


b  Full score, miniature or study size renamed Miniature or study score and redescribed in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

i  Condensed score redescribed in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

k  Vocal score redescribed in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

l   Score redescribed in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

z  Other redescribed in Music 008/20 (Format of music)

The following field did not have technical changes but contains editorial modifications:

Examples revised in 382 (Medium of Performance)

See also:

Appendix G:  Format Change Lists
