
#    No specified nature of work/contents

a    Abstracts/summaries

b    Bibliographies

c    Catalogs

d    Dictionaries

e    Encyclopedias

f     Handbooks

g    Legal articles

h    Biography

i     Indexes

k    Discographies

l     Legislation

m   Theses

n    Surveys of literature in the subject area

o    Reviews

p    Programmed texts

q    Filmographies

r    Directories

s    Statistics

t     Technical reports

t     University calendars  [LAC use only]

u    Standards/specifications

v    Legal cases and case notes

w    Law reports and digests

x    Other reports (e.g., research series, technical reports, etc.)  [C.p. 24 only] [LAC use only]

y    Yearbooks

z    Treaties

5    Calendars

6    Comics/graphic novels


These companion fixed field elements consist of four character positions (c.p.).  The NATURE OF ENTIRE WORK code signifies that the serial is composed entirely of a certain type of work.  The NATURE OF CONTENTS code indicates that the publication contains items, but does not consist solely of any one of them.  When c.p. 24 is coded, c.p. 25-27 must be blank and vice versa.


#  (Entire work)


###  (Contents)

C.p. 24.  (Nature of entire work)

Input only one code in this element to describe what a publication is.  For example, a serial which is a directory would be coded "r" in this position.  However, if the serial contains a directory and other types of material, the code "r" would be input in c.p. 25-27.









C.p. 25-27.  (Nature of contents)

Input up to three codes in alphabetical order to indicate what a serial contains in the order given above.  If a serial contains more than three types of material, input codes for the three most significant.  If fewer than three codes are assigned, input from left to right.  If a code has been assigned to c.p. 24, c.p. 25-27 must be left blank.









NOTE:  University calendars (code "t") and Other reports (code "x") are not separately identified in the MARC communications format.  Codes "t" and "x" are input by LAC, displayed on LAC records, and returned on tape to LAC.  The codes are converted to "#" for distribution to and from LC.

Code definitions

Input codes in c.p. 24 or c.p. 25-27 as instructed above.  Following are descriptions of usage for certain codes requiring further explanation.

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (008/24  006/07 - Nature of entire work, 008/25-27  006/08-10 - Nature of contents) for code definitions not given below.

b.   Bibliographies.

Use this code in c.p. 24 when a publication consists entirely of bibliographies.  Use in c.p. 25-27 only if the bibliographic information is substantial enough to be mentioned in the body of the entry, in a note, or in the subject subdivisions.  Use also for lists of imprints, for union lists, and library catalogs.  Catalogs of books in libraries and archival inventories should be coded for both Bibliographies and Catalogs.  Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code "n", code "b" should not be input when code "n" is present.

c.   Catalogs.

This category includes lists of items in collections of books, art objects, etc.  It also includes lists of objects such as stamp, coin, and trade catalogs.  Use whenever the subdivisions "Catalogs", "Catalogs and collections", or "[…] collections, etc." would be appropriate.  This category also includes catalogs of exhibitions for which the subdivision "Exhibitions" alone is used.  Catalogs of books in libraries and archival inventories should be coded for both Bibliographies and Catalogs.

g.   Legal articles.

Use when a serial consists of or contains substantive articles on legal topics, such as those published in law school reviews.

h.   Biography.

Use this code in c.p. 24 when a serial is composed entirely of biographies, e.g., "Who's Who"; use in c.p. 25-27 when a serial contains biographical information.  The same guidelines as used to determine whether a book is biographical apply here.  Only one code is used, however, for all types of biographical material.  Genealogy is not to be coded as biography.  Material classified as genealogy (LC class "CS") should not be coded even if the Dewey number (tag 082) includes a "B".

i.    Indexes.

When the serial is an indexing journal, i.e., composed entirely of an index or indexes to other publications, use c.p. 24; when the serial contains indexes in addition to other contents, use c.p. 25-27.  This category does not include an index in a serial which indexes the serial itself.  In general, use when the subdivisions "Indexes" or "Dictionaries, indexes, etc." would be appropriate.  Interpret broadly to cover newspaper indexes, periodical indexes, concordances, etc.  This category includes only indexes to bibliographical items; it does not include publications such as the Merck Index (an index of drugs).

k.   Discographies (or other bibliographies of recorded sound).

Use when the publication is a discography or other bibliography of recorded sound or when the publication contains a discography or other bibliography or recorded sound that is substantial enough to be mentioned in the body of the entry, in a note, or in the subject subdivisions.

l.    Legislation.

Use when a serial consists of or contains texts of enactments of legislative bodies published either in statute or code form.  Use also for texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.

m.  Theses.

Use code "m" to indicate that a serial includes full or partial theses, dissertations, or works identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.

n.   Surveys of literature in the subject area.

This code is used in c.p. 24 when a work is composed entirely of surveys of the literature in the subject area(s).  Such authored surveys summarize what has been published about a subject and, in most cases include a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography.  If the work contains surveys of the literature as well as other material, this code is given in c.p. 25-27.  For example, the Library Science Annual includes articles, book reviews, and journal reviews in library science.  The code for this title would be:  no#.

Because bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code "n", code "b" should not be input when code "n" is present.

Code "n" was once used for legal cases and case notes which are now coded "v".

o.   Reviews.

Use for reviews of books, recordings, software, etc.

q.   Filmographies.

Use when the publication is itself a filmography or contains filmographies that are substantial enough to be mentioned in the body of the entry, in a note, or in the subject subdivisions.

r.    Directories.

Use for lists of persons or corporate bodies.  Use with subdivisions "Directories" or "Registers".

s.    Statistics.

Interpret broadly to include those cases in which the serial is not primarily statistical but does include a significant amount of statistical information.  Do not use for statistical methodology.

t.    Technical reports.

Use when the work consists of or contains the results of a scientific investigation or a technical development, test, or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.  Such works are normally more detailed than articles or papers appearing in journals or presented at meetings, and contain sufficient information to enable qualified readers to evaluate the investigative processes of the original research or development.

v.   Legal cases and case notes.

Use when a serial consists of or contains discussions, such as those in the "case comments" section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by, or that are pending before, courts or administrative agencies.

w.   Law reports and digests.

Use when a serial consists of or contains the texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies.  Use also for texts of digests of such decisions.

z.   Treaties.

Use code "z" to indicate that the serial includes treaties or accords negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.

Related fields, etc.


008/24  006/07 - Nature of entire work  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

008/25-27  006/08-10 - Nature of contents  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:


Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents