
First indicator - Type of personal name entry element

0  Forename

1  Surname

3  Family name

Second indicator - Thesaurus

0  Library of Congress Subject Headings

1  LC subject headings for children's literature

2  Medical Subject Headings

3  National Agricultural Library subject authority file

4  Source not specified  [Not used]

5  Canadian Subject Headings

6  Répertoire de vedettes-matière

7  Source specified in subfield $2


a  Personal name (NR)

b  Numeration (NR)

c  Titles and other words associated with the name (R)

d  Dates associated with a name (NR)

e  Relator term (R)

f   Date of a work (NR)

g  Miscellaneous information (R)

h  Medium (NR)  [Not used]

j   Attribution qualifier (R)

k  Form subheading (R)

l   Language of a work (NR)

m Medium of performance for music (R)

n  Number of part/section of a work (R)

o  Arranged statement for music (NR)

p  Name of part/section of a work (R)

q  Fuller form of name (NR)

r   Key for music (NR)

s  Version (NR)

t   Title of a work (NR)

u  Affiliation (NR)

v  Form subdivision (R)

x  General subdivision (R)

y  Chronological subdivision (R)

z  Geographic subdivision (R)

0  Authority record control number or standard number (R)

2  Source of heading or term (NR)

3  Materials specified (NR)

4  Relator code (R)

6  Linkage (NR)

8  Field link and sequence number (R)

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (600 Subject Added Entry - Personal Name) for code definitions not given below.


Field 600 contains:

1.   Names of actual persons capable of authorship.

2.   Names of persons used with the phrase "In literature."

3.   Names of families.

4.   Titles of books or serials entered under personal author.

Editing Instructions

1.   The name portion of the heading should always end with a period if followed by subfield $t.

2.   Do not input a period preceding subfield $x.

600 10 Gide, André, $d 1869-1951. $t Prometheus misbound.

600 00 Aristotle. $t Physics.

600 10 Sheridan, Philip Henry, $d 1831-1888 $v Juvenile fiction.


The first indicator describes the type of name.  For instructions see Headings - General Information.

The second indicator describes the source of the heading.  For instructions see Subject Headings - General Information.


For serials, the most commonly used subfields, by order of input, are:  $a, $q, $c, $d, $t, $x, and $v.  For a description of subfields $v, $x, $y, and $z, see Subject Headings - General Information.  For a description of all other subfields, see Headings - General Information.

600 00 Francis, $c of Assisi, Saint, $d 1182-1226.

600 30 McAllister family.

600 16 Camus, Albert, $d 1913-1960 $x Bibliographie.

600 10 Shakespeare, William, $d 1564-1616, $x In literature.

600 00 Joan, $c of Arc, Saint, $d 1412-1431 $v Songs and music.

600 16 Durrell, Lawrence, $d 1912- $x Sociétés, périodiques, etc.

600 10 Lewis, C. S. $q (Clive Staples), $d 1898-1963 $x Societies, periodicals, etc.

600 00 Cyril, $c Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, $d ca. 827-869 $v Periodicals.

600 10 Alain-Fournier, $d 1886-1914 $v Periodicals.

Related fields, etc.

Headings - General Information, 100, Subject Headings - General Information, 700, Appendix I

600 Subject Added Entry - Personal Name  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:

6XX  Subject Access Fields

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents