Language codes are used in the following MARC 21 fields:

Bibliographic records:

008/35-37 Fixed-Length Data Elements / Language

040 $b Cataloging Source (Language of cataloging)

041  Language Code

242 $y Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency (Language code of translated title)

775 $e Other Edition Entry (Language code)

Authority records:

040 $b Cataloging Source (Language of cataloging)

Holdings records:

008/22-24 Fixed-Length Data Elements / Language

040 $b Record Source (Language of cataloging)

Classification records:

040 $b Record Source (Language of cataloging)

084 $e Classification Scheme and Edition (Language code)

Community Information records:

008/12-14 Fixed-Length Data Elements / Language

040 $b Record Source (Language code)

041  Language Code


The appropriate format document should be consulted for specific instructions on the use of language codes in these fields and subfields.

See also:


MARC Code List for Languages:  Contents