When the body being entered subordinately contains the name or part of the name of the higher body as an element of its own name, routinely omit this element whenever the particular higher body’s name is retained in the hierarchy shown in the heading.

Example A

There is no counterpart to rule 24.13, Type 6 under 24.18. Therefore, even if the name of a subordinate government agency contains the entire name of its parent body (i.e., the name of the parent body in the form in which the heading of the parent body is based) and the parent body is entered subordinately to the heading for the government, nevertheless, enter the subordinate agency directly under its own name unless the name meets one of the following conditions:

1. The name of the subordinate agency itself is one of the types under 24.18.

2. The name of its parent body occurs at the beginning of the subordinate agency’s name and the first word is a 24.18, Type 1, term. (Note: If the name meets this condition, do not omit any hierarchy from the heading for the subordinate agency.)

Example B

24.18: TYPE 2

24.18: TYPE 3

24.18: TYPE 5

24.18: TYPE 6

24.18: TYPE 11

See also:

24. Headings for Corporate Bodies