
4B1.  General rule

4B2.  Places of publication, distribution, etc., with initial prepositions, etc.

4B3.  Supplied modern forms of place names

4B4.  Supplied fuller forms of place names

4B5.  Supplied larger jurisdictions

4B6.  Two or more places of publication, distribution, etc.

4B7.  Places of publication, distribution, etc., in multipart monographs

4B8.  Place names that are grammatically inseparable parts of other areas, etc.

4B9.  Fictitious or incorrect places of publication, distribution, etc.

4B10.  No place of publication, distribution, etc.

4B11.  Place of publication, distribution, etc., supplied based on address or sign

4B12.  Place of publication, distribution, etc., uncertain or unknown

4B13.  Place names in more than one language or script

4B1.  General rule


Transcribe the names of places associated with publishers, distributors, and booksellers as part of this element.  Transcribe the names of places associated with printers and other manufacturers only if appropriate according to the instructions in 4A6 (i.e., when the wording, layout, or typography of the publication suggests that the manufacturer is also functioning as the publisher, distributor, etc.).


Transcribe the place of publication, distribution, etc., as it appears in the source.  If the place appears together with the name of a larger jurisdiction (e.g., country, state, or similar designation), or multiple such jurisdictions, transcribe this as well.



Apud inclytam Germaniae Basileam

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

4B2.  Places of publication, distribution, etc., with initial prepositions, etc.

Include in the transcription any prepositions appearing before the place of publication, distribution, etc., as well as any accompanying words or phrases associated with the place name.

A Lyon

In London

In Boston, printed

(Comment:  Title page reads: "In Boston, printed. 1705."  Following provisions of 4D1.3, "printed" is here transcribed with the place.)

Printed at Bennington

Impressum fuit hoc opus Venetiis

4B3.  Supplied modern forms of place names

If considered necessary for identification and if known, supply in square brackets the modern form of the name of the place.  Use an English form of the name, if there is one.

Christiania [Oslo]

Eboracum [York]

Monachii [Munich]

4B4.  Supplied fuller forms of place names

If a place name is found only in an abbreviated form in the source, transcribe it as found.  Supply in square brackets the full form of the name, or the remainder of the name, if considered necessary for identification.

Mpls [i.e. Minneapolis]

Rio [de Janeiro]

4B5.  Supplied larger jurisdictions

Supply in square brackets the name of the country, state, province, etc., after the name of the place if it is considered necessary for identification, or if it is considered necessary to distinguish the place from others of the same name.  Use a modern English form of the name, if there is one.  Apply the abbreviations appearing in AACR2, Appendix B.

Cambridge [England]

Newport [R.I.]

Washington [Pa.]

4B6.  Two or more places of publication, distribution, etc.


If the source of information shows two or more places and all are related to the same publisher, distributor, etc., transcribe all in the order in which they appear.

London ; York

A Lausanne & se trouve à Paris


Optionally, if it is considered that the places are too numerous to list exhaustively, and that some may be omitted without significant loss of identification, the place of publication, distribution, etc., statement may be shortened by omitting all the places after the third.  In such cases, use the mark of omission and supply after it in square brackets a phrase in the language and script of the cataloging agency to convey the extent of the omission.  Include the number of omitted places (if more than one) in the supplied phrase.

London ; Reading ; Bath ... [and 6 other cities in England]

LC Rare Book Team Guidelines:  Cataloger's judgement.


If a subsequent place of publication, distribution, etc., is not related to the same publisher, distributor, etc., transcribe it in association with the publisher, distributor, etc., to which it corresponds.

New York : Ivison, Phinney, and Co. ; London : Trübner & Co.


Do not, however, transcribe a subsequent place as a place of publication, distribution, etc., if it must be recorded as a grammatically inseparable part of another element.

Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts : By Isaiah Thomas : Sold by him in Worcester, by said Thomas and Andrews in Boston, and by said Thomas and Carlisle, in Walpole, Newhampshire


If a place of publication, distribution, etc., associated with an earlier edition appears together with the actual place of publication, distribution, etc., of the edition being described, transcribe the places as a single element in the order in which they appear.

Philadelphia printed, London reprinted


If both the place and publisher, distributor, etc., associated with an earlier edition appear together with the place and publisher, distributor, etc., of the edition being described, transcribe each place with the publisher, distributor, etc., to which it corresponds.

London : Printed for Knight and Lacy, Paternoster-Row ; Greenfield, Mass. : Re-printed by Ansel Phelps, and for sale by him at his bookstore, also by West & Richardson, Cummings, Hilliard & Co., Boston, and Wilder & Campbell, New-York

4B7.  Places of publication, distribution, etc., in multipart monographs

If the publication is issued in more than a single physical part, and the place of publication, distribution, etc., changes in the course of publication, give the place of publication, distribution, etc., of the later part(s) in a note.

Stuttgart ; Tübingen

Note:  Place of publication in v. 33-40: Stuttgart ; Augsburg

4B8.  Place names that are grammatically inseparable parts of other areas, etc.

If the place of publication, distribution, etc., appears only as a grammatically inseparable part of another area and is transcribed there, or appears only as a grammatically inseparable part of the publisher, distributor, etc., statement and is transcribed there, supply in square brackets the place of publication, distribution, etc., as the first element of the publication, distribution, etc., area (see 4C3).  Use a modern English form of the name, if there is one.

[Munich] : Durch Peter Clement, Kunstführer zu München

4B9.  Fictitious or incorrect places of publication, distribution, etc.

If the place of publication, distribution, etc., appearing in the publication is known to be fictitious or incorrect, transcribe it nonetheless and make an explanatory note.  If the actual place is known, or can be reasonably surmised, supply a correction in square brackets.  Use a modern English form of name, if there is one, and give the basis for the correction in the note.  If, however, the entire statement consisting of place, publisher, and date is known to be fictitious or incorrect, apply 4A4.

Londres [i.e. Paris]

Note:  Actual place of publication from: Weller, E.O.  Falsche Druckorte

4B10.  No place of publication, distribution, etc.


If no place of publication, distribution, etc., appears in the publication, supply one in square brackets.  Use a modern English form of the name, if there is one, and include the name of the larger jurisdiction if considered necessary for identification.  Use the location associated with the first transcribed publisher, distributor, etc., if one is present.  Provide a justification for the supplied place in a note if necessary.

[Cambridge, Mass.] : Printed by Samuel Green, 1668

Note:  Samuel Green was located in Cambridge, Mass., from 1660 to 1672


If the name of the place has changed over time, supply the name appropriate to the date of publication, distribution, etc., if known (e.g., Leningrad, not St. Petersburg, for works published in that city between 1924 and 1991).  If considered necessary for identification, also supply the modern place name and the name of the larger jurisdiction.

[Christiania i.e. Oslo]

[Leona Vicario i.e. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico]

4B11.  Place of publication, distribution, etc., supplied based on address or sign

Supply in square brackets the name of the place of publication, distribution, etc., using a modern English form of the name, if there is one, when only an address or sign appears in the publication.  (Transcribe the address or sign as the publisher, distributor, etc., statement; see 4C4.1.)  When supplying the place, give a justification in a note if necessary.


(Comment:  Imprint reads: "à l’enseigne de l’éléphant," the trade sign of a Parisian printer.)


(Comment:  Imprint reads: "sold in St. Paul’s Church Yard.")

4B12.  Place of publication, distribution, etc., uncertain or unknown


If the place of publication, distribution, etc., is uncertain, supply the name of the probable place of publication, distribution, etc., with a question mark, using a modern English form of the name, if there is one, all in square brackets.


[Newport, R.I.?]

[St. Petersburg?]


If no city of publication, distribution, etc., can be conjectured, supply the name of a state, province, country, or other larger geographic entity as the place of publication, distribution, etc., with a question mark if necessary, using a modern English form of the name, if there is one, all in square brackets.




[South America?]


If the reason for supplying the place is not apparent from the rest of the description, make a note to indicate the source of the information.

Note:  Place of publication suggested by Alden


If no place of publication, distribution, etc., can be supplied, use the abbreviation "s.l." (sine loco) in square brackets.


4B13.  Place names in more than one language or script


If the name of the place of publication, distribution, etc., appears in more than one language or script, transcribe the statement in the language or script of the title proper, or if this criterion does not apply, transcribe the statement that appears first.  Transcribe the remaining statement(s) as parallel statements, preceding each by an equals sign.  Make a note to indicate the original position on the source of any transposed statements.


Optionally, if it is considered that the parallel statements are too numerous to list exhaustively, and that some may be omitted without significant loss of identification, omit parallel statements after the first using the mark of omission.  Transcribe the omitted statement(s) in a note, if considered important.

LC Rare Book Team Guidelines:  Cataloger's judgement.

See also:

4.  Publication, Distribution, Etc., Area