Field 008 has no indicators or subfield codes.  Data elements are positionally defined by type of material.  Descriptions of the data elements defined for field 008 positions 18-34 are in seven separate sections corresponding to the following type of material configurations:  Books (BK), Computer Files (CF), Maps (MP), Music (MU), Continuing Resources (CR), Visual Materials (VM), and Mixed Materials (MX).

Note:  Field 008 positions 18-34 for Mixed Materials (MX) were previously referred to as fixed-length data elements for Archival and Manuscripts Control (AM).

Field 008 character positions 00-17 and 35-39 are defined the same for field 008 in the MARC 21 bibliographic format, regardless of record type.  The definition of field 008 character positions 18-34 varies according to the Type of record code in Leader/06 and Bibliographic level code in Leader/07.  Certain data elements are defined the same in more than one 008 field configuration.  When similar data elements are defined for inclusion in a field 008 for different record types/bibliographic level, they generally occupy the same field 008 character positions.

Validity by material type:  The character positions listed below, and the codes associated with each, are valid for the format in which they are defined.  Character positions 00-17 and 35-39 are valid for all types of material.

National-level and Minimal-level record requirements are either Mandatory or Optional, depending on the character position.

Field 008 character positions:

All Types of Material:

00-05  Date entered on file

06  Type of date/Publication status

07-10  Date 1

11-14  Date 2

15-17  Place of publication, production, or execution

18-34  [See one of the material specific 008/18-34 configurations.]

35-37  Language

38  Modified record

39  Cataloging source

Books:  (BK)

18-21  Illustrations

22  Target audience

23  Form of item

24-27  Nature of contents

28  Government publication

29  Conference publication

30  Festschrift

31  Index

32  Undefined

33  Literary form

34  Biography

Computer files:  (CF)

18-21  Undefined

22  Target audience

23  Form of item

24-25  Undefined

26  Type of computer file

27  Undefined

28  Government publication

29-34  Undefined

Maps:  (MP)

18-21  Relief

22-23  Projection

24  Undefined

25  Type of cartographic material

26-27  Undefined

28  Government publication

29  Form of item

30  Undefined

31  Index

32  Undefined

33-34  Special format characteristics

Music:  (MU)

18-19  Form of composition

20  Format of music

21  Music parts

22  Target audience

23  Form of item

24-29  Accompanying matter

30-31  Literary text for sound recordings

32  Undefined

33  Transposition and arrangement

34  Undefined

Continuing resources:  (CR)

18  Frequency

19  Regularity

20  Undefined

21  Type of continuing resource

22  Form of original item

23  Form of item

24  Nature of entire work

25-27  Nature of contents

28  Government publication

29  Conference publication

30-32  Undefined

33  Original alphabet or script of title

34  Entry convention

Visual materials:  (VM)

18-20  Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings

21  Undefined

22  Target audience

23-27  Undefined

28  Government publication

29  Form of item

30-32  Undefined

33  Type of visual material

34  Technique

Mixed materials:  (MX)

18-22  Undefined

23  Form of item

24-34  Undefined

See also:

006 and 008:  Comparison Listing by Character Position

006 and 008:  Cross Reference Tables by Type of Material

008  Fixed-Length Data Elements