When the choice of entry would be different under AACR2, the cataloger must eventually go through all the steps but must first determine whether the AACR2 record should cover a different (usually expanded) period of time than the pre-AACR2 record, and whether there are additional records which require consolidation (see C8).

If the span of years to be covered by the AACR2 record is different, the following fields should be carefully checked for any needed changes:

Fixed field dates (008/7-14); publication status (008/6); country of publication code (008/15-17)

260 $c

300 $a

310/321 (when dates are present)


5XX (for dates)

550 (incorporate earlier or later issuing bodies, as necessary)

7XX (make additional added entries, as necessary)

760-787 (add, change, or delete, as necessary)

See also:

C9.2. Successive Entry Records