
First indicator - Translation indication

#  No information provided

0  Item is not a translation or does not include a translation

1  Item is or includes a translation

Second indicator - Source of code

#  MARC language code

7  Source specified in subfield $2


a  Language code of text/soundtrack or separate title (R)

b  Language code of summary or abstract/overprinted title or subtitle (R)

d  Language code of sung or spoken text (R)

e  Language code of librettos (R)

f   Language code of table of contents (R)

g  Language code of accompanying material other than librettos (R)

h  Language code of original and/or intermediate translations of text (R)

j   Language code of subtitles or captions (R)

k  Language code of intermediate translations (R)

m Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos (R)

n  Language code of original libretto (R)

2  Source of code (NR)

6  Linkage (NR)

8  Field link and sequence number (R)

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (041 Language Code) for code definitions not given below.


Field 041 contains codes for the language of the text, summaries, abstracts and/or original language of the work.  Codes are assigned from the MARC Code List for Languages or other code lists such as ISO 639-1 (Codes for the representation of names of languages–Part 1: alpha- 2- code).

This field is used in addition to the language code in fixed field 008/35-37 when any of the following conditions exist:

the text is multilingual;

the serial is a translation;

the language of the summaries or abstracts (if any) differs from the language of the text;

the language of the table of contents differs from the language of the text.

If a serial is in one language only and is not a translation, the language is given in field 008/35-37 and field 041 is not used.

The text of a serial is defined as the principal work or works included within the publication, excluding the preface, introduction, foreword, appendices, etc.

The languages may also be recorded in textual form in field 546 (Language Note).

Whenever this field is used, the first language code in subfield $a should be the same as the code in field 008/35-37.

Field 041 affects indexing of corporate names and certain title fields in the OCLC system.  When constructing indexes, the system ignores initial articles for certain fields.  The language of the articles is determined by codes in field 041, or if this field is not present, by the code in field 008/35-37.

First indicator - Translation indication

Use value "0" when the publication is not a translation.  Use value "1" when the publication is a translation.

546 ## Most issues have summaries in English, French, and Russian; some in German.

041 0# pol $b eng $b fre $b ger $b rus

546 ## Translated from the Portuguese.

041 1# eng $h por

Second indicator - Source of code

The second indicator position contains the source of the language code used in the field.

#    MARC language code.

Value # indicates that the source of the code is the MARC Code List for Languages that is maintained by the Library of Congress.

041 1# eng $h ger $h swe

7    Source specified in subfield $2.

Value 7 is used when the source of the language code is indicated by a code in subfield $2.

041 07 en $a fr $a it $2 [Code for ISO 639-1]


$a  Language code of text/soundtrack or separate title.

When the text is in more than one language, each is input preceded by a separate subfield $a code.  If one language is predominant, input that code first; if no language is predominant, input all codes in alphabetical order.  Input codes in lowercase; do not use punctuation between the codes.

546 ## Chiefly in Russian; some also in English.

041 0# rus $a eng

LANG:  rus

546 ## German and Russian.

041 0# ger $a rus

LANG:  ger

546 ## English, Finnish, French and German.

041 0# eng $a fin $a fre $a ger

LANG:  eng

For Canadian bilingual publications cataloged in the French language, input code "fre" before code "eng".

010 ## ce77-33500

546 ## Text in English and French.

041 0# eng $a fre

LANG:  eng

010 ## cf77-33500

546 ## Texte en anglais et en français.

041 0# fre $a eng

LANG:  fre

If the code "mul" is used in in field 008/35-37 to specify that the item is multilingual with no predominant language, the code for first language in the serial and the code "mul" are recorded in the 041.  (The decision to limit the number of languages in a multilingual work by use of code "mul" is only one alternative.  Any number of specific language codes may be recorded in repeating occurrences of subfield $a.)

245 00 Jugoslovenska privreda.

041 0# scr $a mul

546 ## Serbo-Croation (roman), English, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Russian, and Slovenian.

LANG:  mul

$b  Language code of summary or abstract/overprinted title or subtitle.

When the language of the summaries or abstracts is different from that of the text, it is given in coded form in field 041 subfield $b.  The code for the language of the text must be given in subfield $a; subfield $b cannot be used alone.  Multiple codes are input in alphabetical order.

546 ## Text in Hungarian, French, and Spanish; summaries in French and German.

041 0# fre $a hun $a spa $b ger  (code "fre" not used in $b because it is given in $a)

LANG:  fre

546 ## In English; summaries in French and German.

041 0# eng $b fre $b ger

$d  Language code of sung or spoken text.

For music, input in subfield $d the language code(s) for the sung or spoken content of a sound recording.  NOTE:  The language code(s) for the textual content of printed or manuscript music is entered in subfield $a.

041 0# $d eng $e eng $e fre $e ger

LANG:  eng

[Recording in English with accompanying libretto in English, French, and German.]

$e  Language code of librettos.

For music, input in subfield $e the language code(s) of the printed text when the item contains the vocal/textual content of the work(s) printed as text–whether as accompanying material or printed with the item.  NOTE:  Despite its name, this subfield is not restricted to librettos.  However, it is not used for items covered by subfield $g.

041 0# fre $e fre $e ger $e ita

LANG:  fre

$f   Language code of table of contents.

Instructions for coding summaries also apply to tables of contents.

546 ## In French; vols. for 1966/67-  have added tables of contents in Arabic.

041 0# fre $f ara

LANG:  fre

546 ## Text in English and has summaries and table of contents in French and German.

041 0# eng $b fre $b ger $f fre $f ger

$g  Language code of accompanying material other than librettos.

Input in subfield $g the language code(s) of accompanying material other than summaries or librettos when the material is considered significant.  This includes such items as program notes, prefaces, commentaries, manuals, codebooks, user instructions, etc.  For visual materials, use subfield $g for all accompanying material, except for accompanying printed script or accompanying sound (which are recorded in subfield $a).

041 0# ger $g eng

LANG:  ger

[A photograph collection that has captions in German and accompanying material in English.]

041 0# $g fre

LANG:  ###

[A collection of prints having accompanying material in French.  There are no captions or other text associated with the item.]

$h  Language code of original and/or intermediate translations of text.

Subfield $h is used when the piece is a translation.  The first indicator is set to value "1" and the language of the translation is given in subfield $a.  Subfield $h contains the code for the language of the original or intermediate translation.

English translation of French work:

041 1# eng $h fre

LANG:  eng

If the item is a translation from a language other than the original, enter both codes in $h in the following order:

1)   the language from which the current work was translated

2)   the original language

Publication in English, translated from a German text originally written in Swedish:

041 1# eng $h ger $h swe

LANG:  eng

If the original code is not explicitly specified and cannot be readily determined, code subfield $h as "und" (undetermined).

041 1# eng $h und

If a publication is a translation and also includes a summary in the original language, set the first indicator to "1" and record the language of the summary in subfield $b.

English translation of Danish work with a summary in Danish:

041 1# eng $b dan $h dan

If the publication contains the text in the original language and in translation, record the code for both languages.  Add also the code for the original in subfield $h.  Set the first indicator to "1."

A serial containing text in the original language and in English translation:

041 1# eng $a fre $h fre

$2  Source of code.

The source of the code to be used in subfield $2 is the Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes (Language Code and Term Source Codes).

$6  Linkage.

For instructions on the use of subfield $6, see field 880.

Additional instructions

1.   Do not input field 041 to provide a code for a title or title page only.  Although a note may be given, it does not necessitate the use of this field.

Text in English:

500 ## Added t.p. in Tajik.

No 041 field.

2.   If the language of the text changes over a period of years, code all languages.

3.   If a publication contains separate pieces in one language, most of which were translated from one language but a few from other languages, set the first indicator to "1" and record the code for the text of the translation and the code for the predominant original language.

An anthology of Spanish (with some Catalan) poetry in English translation:

041 1# eng $h spa

4.   If a publication contains text in two or more languages translated from one language, set the first indicator to "1".  Give the alphabetic code for the predominant language of the text as the first language.  If no language is predominant or if there is doubt as to which is predominant, record the code "mul" as the first language.

A serial with text in English and French translated from Vietnamese:

041 1# mul $h vie

Related fields, etc.

008/35-37, 546

041 Language Code  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:

01X-09X  Numbers and Codes

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents