Title variations other than title proper (246) [R]:

Record any significant additional titles (other than title proper) found on earlier/later issues.

Series (4XX/8XX) [R]:

Record any addition, deletion, or change in series information on earlier/later issues. If there is no series authority record in the authority file, complete the necessary authority work or send a surrogate and appropriate documentation for establishing the series to the Library of Congress. (See C11.)

Responsible entities (7XX/550) [R]:

Trace any bibliographically significant entities associated with earlier/later issues (710-711, 730), and describe their significance in a note (550). If there is no name authority record for the new heading in the authority file, and the bibliographic record contains authentication codes "lc", "lcd", or "nlc" in field 042, complete the authority work or a surrogate with appropriate documentation for establishing the heading to the Library of Congress.

Preceding/succeeding entries (780/785) [M]:

Make links both to and form preceding/succeeding records (780/785/580).

Other linking entries (765-777/787/580) [O]:

Record all changes in bibliographically significant relationship to other publications as required by the applicable AACR2 rules and rule interpretations. Make links both to and from related records (765-787/580) and give added entries when appropriate (700-730).

Subject fields (600-651, 043, 008/24-27) [R]:

Expand or modify subject headings, geographic area codes, and fixed field contents codes to reflect obvious changes in the scope of a publication.

See also:

B4.2. Changes in the publication