There are three ways to accommodate title added entries in the MARC record:

1.   deriving a title added entry from the title--field 245 (Title Statement);

2.   deriving a title added entry from a varying form of a title that is explicitly recorded in a field defined for that purpose--field 246 (Varying Form of Title);

3.   recording a title added entry for a related/analytical title in a field defined for that purpose--field 740 (Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title).

Prior to February 1995, all title added entries in records for monographs not derived from the 245 field were recorded in a 740 field (then named Added Entry - Variant Title).

1.  Title added entry derived from 245 field:

(Reference MARC 21 Bibliographic:   245 Title Statement )

A title added entry is derived from the 245 title field on the basis of indicator position 1 [use value "1" (Title added entry)].  The data constituting such a derived added entry are those of the $a (Title), $n (Number of part/section of a work), and $p (Name of a part/section of a work) subfields as appropriate.  In most cases a derived added entry equates to the title proper.  Except for alternative titles and parts/designations of parts, the extent of a derived added entry is governed by the first mark of prescribed punctuation in the 245 field.  When the added entry desired does not equate to the $a, $n, or $p subfields of the 245 field as appropriate, it is necessary to use the 246 field for the added entry.

Retain initial articles and record an appropriate value in the non-filing indicator (indicator position 2).  Use value "0" when an article is to be filed on as follows:

a.   the title begins with an article that appears as part of a personal, geographic, or corporate name and is retained in such a name according to LCRI 22.4, LCRI 23.2, or AACR2 rule 24.5A;

b.   the title begins with an article in a situation in which meaning and cataloger’s judgment require its retention, e.g., such titles as:

"The" as an introductory element of generic nouns

"El Cid" in literary criticism of the 20th century

Include in the added entry for a title proper alternative titles and parts or designations of parts; and see also subsection 7. Portion of title proper under the separate section "Guidelines for Making Title Added Entries for Permutations Related to Titles Proper".

For items without a collective title, the added entry derived from field 245 equates to the title of the first work; see the separate section "Items Without Collective Title."

2.  Title added entry derived from 246 field:

(Reference MARC 21 Bibliographic:   246 Varying Form of Title )

The implementation in February 1995 of changes related to format integration introduced a major change in the mechanism used for providing title added entries for varying forms of titles in machine-readable bibliographic records for monographs.  Whereas previously all title added entries for varying forms of title had been recorded in a 740 field (with statements about such titles recorded in 500 note fields), the 246 field now carries most varying forms of title (for an exception, see subsection 2. Title access to independent titles under the section "Items Without Collective Title").  Title added entries can be derived from this field based on the value in indicator position 1.  Values in this indicator position provide for various combinations of data, including information that was previously conveyed in multiple fields (500/740).

Indicator position 1(Note controller/title added entry) contains values that make it possible to generate notes/derive title added entries as follows:

Ind. 1:

Condition the value indicates:


Generate a note but not a title added entry


Generate a note and also a title added entry


Do not generate a note or a title added entry


Do not generate a note but do generate a title added entry

Indicator position 2(Type of title) contains values that make it possible to generate display constants describing the type of title data recorded in the 246 field as follows:

Ind. 2:


Display constant the value indicates:


No information provided

(LC practice:  The LC MUMS system represents the # in this indicator position as a hyphen)

[no display constant]


Portion of title

[no display constant]


Parallel title

[no display constant]


Distinctive title

(LC practice:  Do not use this value for monographs)

[Distinctive title]


Other title

(LC practice:  Do not use this value for monographs)

[Other title]


Cover title

[Cover title]


Added title page title

[Added title page title]


Caption title

[Caption title]


Running title

[Running title]


Spine title

[Spine title]

If the source of the varying title recorded in a 246 field is not one of those represented by values 4-8, the source may be explicitly recorded in an $i subfield that precedes the title data:

246 1# $i Source as supplied by cataloger: $a Varying form of title

Note the following input conventions used with the 246 field:

a.   position the 246 field(s) following the 245 field;

b.   do not end the field with a mark of punctuation unless it is part of the data (e.g., an abbreviation);

c.   do not record an initial article unless the intent is to file on it;

d.   add a colon at the end of the cataloger-supplied text recorded in an $i subfield;

e.   LC practice:  use three blank spaces for incomplete volume designation;

f.    LC practice for input order:

Input first

those 246 fields relating to the 245 field as identified by second indicator values 0, 1, and #, generally in that order, which reflects found form followed by any alternate form

followed by any others in the order judged best.

3.  Title added entry recorded in 740 field:

(Reference MARC 21 Bibliographic:   740 (Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title)

As the result of format integration, the 740 field was redefined to be limited to added entry access for the uncontrolled form of two kinds of titles:

a.   uncontrolled analytical added entries for titles of independent works contained within the item;

b.   uncontrolled added entries for titles of related works external to the item.

(LC practice:  Do not apply except in some of the cataloging of collections of special materials; use 700-730 controlled form according to AACR2.)

Do not record an initial article unless the intent is to file on it.  End the field with a mark of punctuation.

Note that the redefined 740 uncontrolled "analytical" added entry does not replace the 700-730 controlled analytical added entry (name/title or title) for the independent work called for by AACR2.

See also:

21.30J.  Titles