The following change list was included as Appendix G of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 1999 Edition, published in the February 1999 Erratum.

This edition of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data supersedes the March 1994 base text and updates No. 1 (March 1995) through No. 3 (July 1997) to the USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data as well as the September 1993 base text and updates No. 1 (October 1994) through No. 6 (January 1998) to the Canadian MARC Communication Format for Bibliographic Data.  It includes changes resulting from proposals which were considered by the ALA ALCTS/LITA/RASD Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) at its meetings from 1998 through February 1999 and by the Canadian Committee on MARC (CCM) at its meetings from 1998 through February 1999.

New content designators:


007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Tactile material)

007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Kit)

007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Notated music)

007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Computer file) - character positions 06-08 (Image bit depth), 09 (File formats), 10 (Quality assurance targets), 11 (Antecedent/source), 12 (Level of compression), and 13 (Reformatting quality)

526  Study Program Information Note

552  Entity and Attribute Information Note  [provisionally defined with tag 551]


052  Geographic Classification - 1st indicator (Source of code):  values # (LC classification), 0 (U.S. Department of Defense classification), and 7 (Source in subfield $2)

210  Abbreviated Title - 2nd indicator (Type of abbreviated title):  values # (Abbreviated key title) and 0 (Other abbreviated title)

Indicator values

028  Publisher Number - 1st indicator (Type of publisher number):  value 5 (Other publisher number)

355  Security Classification Control - 1st indicator (Controlled element):  value 5 (Record)

Subfield codes

$b  Item number in 080 (Universal Decimal Classification)

$d  Populated place name in 052 (Geographic Classification)

$x  Common auxiliary subdivision in 080 (Universal Decimal Classification)

$2  Source of code in 052 (Geographic Classification)

$2  Edition identifier in 080 (Universal Decimal Classification)

$2  Source in 210 (Abbreviated Title)


Leader - character position 09 (Character coding scheme):  codes # (MARC-8) and a (UCS/Unicode)

006 - Books - character position 06 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

006 - Maps - character position 12 (Form of item):  codes # (None of the following), a (Microfilm), b (Microfiche), c (Microopaque), d (Large print), f (Braille), r (Regular print reproduction), and s (Electronic)

006 - Music - character position 06 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

006 - Serials - character position 05 (Form of original item):  code s (Electronic)

006 - Serials - character position 06 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

006 - Visual materials - character position 12 (Form of item):  codes # (None of the following), a (Microfilm), b (Microfiche), c (Microopaque), d (Large print), f (Braille), r (Regular print reproduction), and s (Electronic)

006 - Mixed materials - character position 06 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

007 - All materials - character position 01 (Specific material designation):  code u (Unspecified)

008 - Books - character position 23 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

008 - Maps - character position 29 (Form of item):  codes # (None of the following), a (Microfilm), b (Microfiche), c (Microopaque), d (Large print), f (Braille), r (Regular print reproduction), and s (Electronic)

008 - Music - character position 23 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

008 - Serials - character position 22 (Form of original item):  code s (Electronic)

008 - Serials - character position 23 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

008 - Visual materials - character position 29 (Form of item):  codes # (None of the following), a (Microfilm), b (Microfiche), c (Microopaque), d (Large print), f (Braille), r (Regular print reproduction), and s (Electronic)

008 - Mixed materials - character position 23 (Form of item):  code s (Electronic)

046  Special Coded Dates - $a (Type of date code):  code x (Corrected dates and incorrect dates)

Local content designators (Appendix H):


261  Imprint Statement for Films (Pre-AACR 2)

262  Imprint Statement for Sound Recordings (Pre-AACR 2)

400  Series Statement / Added Entry - Personal Name

410  Series Statement / Added Entry - Corporate Name

411  Series Statement / Added Entry - Meeting Name

Subfield code

$d  Plates or publisher's number for music (Pre-AACR 2) in field 260 (Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint))

Obsolete content designators:


006 - Maps - character positions 16-17 (Special format characteristics):  codes m (Braille) and q (Large print)

008 - Maps - character positions 33-34 (Special format characteristics):  codes m (Braille) and q (Large print)

Deleted content designators:


551  Entity and Attribute Information Note  [redefined as field 552]


007 - Remote-sensing image - character position 01 (Specific material designation):  Code # (No type specified)  [redefined as code u (Unspecified)]

Changes in content designator field names:

046  Special Coded Dates  [changed from Type of Date Code, Date 1, Date 2 (B.C. Dates)]

052  Geographic Classification  [changed from Geographic Classification Code]

210  Abbreviated Title  [changed from Abbreviated Key Title]

362  Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation  [changed from Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Volume Designation]

Changes in repeatability:


080  Universal Decimal Classification:  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

210  Abbreviated Title:  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

Subfield codes

$a  Classification number in 080 (Universal Decimal Classification):  changed from Repeatable (R) to Not repeatable (NR)

$u  Uniform Resource Locator in 856 Electronic Location and Access:  changed from Repeatable (R) to Not repeatable (NR)

The following changes were not included in Appendix G:

The requirement to use the fill character ( | ) where no attempt has been made to code a position has been emphasized by its explicit addition to the code lists for all defined 006, 007, and 008 character positions, except 007/00 and 008/00-05 where it is not permitted.  (The fill character code is defined as "No attempt to code.")  This is not a change in the requirement, but rather an emphasis of it.

Subfield $8 (Field link and sequence number) has been added to all variable data fields, except 018, 042, and 066.

See also:

Appendix G:  Format Change Lists
