Machine-readable cataloging, II.2

Made-up copies, IX.1

Made-up sets, 2B11.2-2B11.3

See also Imperfect copies

Incomplete items

Main entries, Appendix B4 (1XX), Appendix C3 (1XX)

See also Access points

Added entries

Mandatory notes, See Required notes

Manifestations, III.1.1, III.2.1, III.2.3

See also Editions



date of, 4G

details of, 4A1, 4A6, 4E

Manufacturers, 4A6 Footnote 4-1, 4A6.2.1, 4A6.3, 4B1

name of, 4F

See also Publishers, distributors, etc.

Manuscript collections, Appendix B1.4

Maps as illustrations, 5C2

MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, II.2, X, Appendix A1, Appendix B1.3

Marks of omission, See Omission, marks of

Material (or type of publication) specific details area, 3

Microforms, Appendix A6

Minimal-level records, X.1.3, Appendix A5, Appendix D

Misprints, See Inaccuracies (in source)

Missing parts, See Incomplete items

Misspelled words, See Inaccuracies (in source)

Modified letters, See Diacritical marks

Mottoes, 1A2.2

Multilingual edition statements, 2B9

statements of responsibility, 2C4

Multilingual items, 1E10.1

choice of title page as chief source of information, 0C2

parallel titles of series, 6C

publication, distribution, etc. area, 4B13

publisher statements, 4C11

statements of responsibility, 1E10, 6E2

See also Language

Multipart monographs

bibliographic volumes different from physical volumes, 5B16

chief source of information, 0C2

dates of publication in, 4D7

edition statement on, 2B11

multiple publisher names in, 4C7

notes on, 7B3.2, 7B16.1

numbering in title proper, 1B4

places of publication in, 4B7

sources of information, 1A2.3

varying sizes, 5D3

Music as illustrations, 5C1

See also:
