
title proper, 1A1


See Copyright dates; Dates of distribution, release, broadcast; Dates, supplied; Identifying elements; Production dates

Dates of broadcast

See Dates of distribution, release, broadcast

Dates of copyright

See Copyright dates

Dates of distribution, release, broadcast

approximate dates, 4E4

copyright dates, 4E3

non-television works, 4E1

probable, 4E4

production dates, 4E3

questionable, 4E4

releases in same year, in different countries, and in the same language, 4F

television programs, 4E2-4E2.1

used with language of work and countries of distribution to determine title proper, 1B4

Dates of production

See Production dates

Dates of release

See Dates of distribution, release, broadcast

Dates, supplied

in distribution, release, broadcast area

approximate dates, 4E4

probable dates, 4E4

questionable dates, 4E4

as part of title proper of series, 1B1

as part of title proper of television series, 1B1.1.1


See Form terms


language and script of, 0D

organization of, 0B

Descriptive Cataloging Manual, C14: Collection-Level Cataloging, App. C, intro.

Descriptive categories

punctuation, 1F1.6; 1F2

used to structure titles, 1F

works with form terms, 1F1.6

works without form terms, 1F2.1-1F2.2

Descriptive phrases

punctuation, 1F1.6; 1F2

used to structure titles, 1F

works with form terms, 1F1.6

works without form terms, 1F2.1-1F2.2

Diacetate film base, 5E

Diacritical marks, 0J

title proper, 1B

Diameters of videodiscs, 5D

Digital video formats

See Video formats

Dimensions, Ch. 5, intro.; 5D; 5H

abbreviations, 5D


optional use of 12 cm., 5D

film gauges, 5D

inches, 5D

lists of dimensions, 5D

millimeters, 5D

videodisc diameters, 5D

videotape widths, 5D


notes, 7B23

Distribution, release, broadcast

collection-level cataloging, App. C4.2

multiple records, App. C7.2

editions, 4H

language and script of, 0D

notes, 7B11

optional omissions, 4G

probable, 4C2; 4D2; 4E4

questionable, 4C2; 4D2; 4E4

releases in same year, in different countries, and in the same language, 4F

television programs, 4D1

unknown, 4C3; 4D3-4D4

versions, 4H

Distribution, release, broadcast information

used with language of work to determine title proper, 1B4

Distributor, releaser, broadcaster

presenter used as, 1G3.2

Distributors, releasers, broadcasters

form of name, 4D

television stations, 4D

probable, 4D2

questionable, 4D2

unknown, 4D3

Double edge sound track, 5C3; 5F; 5H

Duplicate copies, 5G

See also:
