Scope of item, notes on, See Notes: nature, scope or artistic form

Scripts, nonroman, See Nonroman scripts

Semicolons, See Prescribed punctuation; Punctuation in source

Serials, individual and special issues of, Appendix H

as separately published monograph, Appendix H4

chronological designation, Appendix H2.3.1, Appendix H3.4.1, Appendix H3.4.2

distinctive titles, with, Appendix H2.2

distinctive titles, without, Appendix H2.3

linking records, Appendix H6

monographs, also published as, Appendix H5

numeric designation, Appendix H2.3.1, Appendix H3.4.1

relate to serial as a whole, Appendix H3-6

special issues, Appendix H4.1

See also Series area


added entries, Appendix C3 (800-840)

numbering, 6G, 6H2

other title information, 6D

parallel titles, 6C, 6H3

series statements, 6A2, Appendix B4 (4XX)

series statements, more than one, 6J

statements of responsibility, 6E

standard numbers (ISSN), 6F

subseries, 6H

title proper, 6B, Appendix F2 (6B1)

See also Series area

Series area, 6

form and order of information, 6A3

notes on, 7B12

prescribed punctuation, 6A1

sources of information, 6A2

statements of responsibility, 6E

See also Serials, individual and special issues of

Shared responsibility, works of, 1E4, 1E6

Sheets, folded, 5B2

single-sheet publications, 5B14, 5D4

Sheets, rolls, cases, portfolios, etc., physical description of, 5B13

sic, use of, 0G7.1, Appendix F2 (0G7.1)

Signatures, 7B9

definition of, Glossary

Silent omissions, See Omission, marks of: omit without using

Sine loco (s.l.), 4B12.4

Sine nomine (s.n.), 4C9

Single-sheet publications

definition of, Glossary

size and format, 5D4

statement of pagination, 5B2, 5B14

title access points, Appendix F2 (1G1-1G8)

title and statement of responsibility area, 1G

Size, 5D

S.l., See Sine loco

s.n., See Sine nomine

Sophisticated copies, See Made-up copies

Sources of information

covers as prescribed, 0D Footnote 0-1, 6A2.1 Footnote 6-1

dust jackets, VIII.2, 0D

interpolations to, 7A3

title proper, 1B2

See also Chief source of information

Prescribed sources of information

Spaces, See Prescribed punctuation

Spaces, blank, 0G6.4

for initial letters, 0G7.3

Spacing, 0G4

abbreviations, initials, and initialisms, 0G10, Appendix F2 (0G10)

omissions, 0G5

in title proper, Appendix F2 (0G4.2)

Special characters in edition statements, 2B4

Special collections cataloging, Appendix A8

Spelling, preferred authority for, VI

Spellings, variant, See Variant spellings

Square brackets

description of imperfect copies, 0B2.2, 0G6.3

devised titles, 1B5, 1F2, Appendix B4 (245)

interpolations and corrections, 0G6, 0G7.1, 0G7.3, 0G8.2, 1E9, 2B4.2, 4 passim, 5B7.2, 7A3, 7B9.11, Appendix G3

in notes, 7A3, 7B18.2, Appendix B4 (505)

pagination statements, 5B3.1, 5B6.1, 5B8.1

replaced by parentheses or omitted in transcription, 0G3.5

romanized text, not used with, 0F2

signature statements, not used with pi/chi, 7B9.3

single-sheet publications, 5B14.2

standard number and terms of availability area, not used, 8A2

symbols or characters not available, 0G1.2, 2B4.1, 7B9.2

See also Prescribed punctuation

Standard Citation Forms for Published Bibliographies and Catalogs Used in Rare Book Cataloging, 7B14.1

Standard number and terms of availability area, 8

Standard numbers, 8B, Appendix C3 (020)

State, definition of, Glossary

Statements of responsibility, 1E

edition statement, 2C

grammatically inseparable elements, 1E13

more than one, 1E6

with more than one name, 1E4.1

named revision, 2E

omission of names from, 1E5

qualifications in, 1E8

series area, 6E

in series title proper, 6B2

from source other than title page, 7B6.1

supplying words for, 1E9

transposed to title, 7B6.2

Style guide, preferred authority for, VI

Subject headings, X.1.3, Appendix B4, Appendix C3

Subscripts, 0G9

Subseries, 6H

Summary of content notes, See Contents notes: summary of contents

Superscripts, 0G9, Appendix G2

Supplied titles, See Titles: devised

Supplied words

date of publication, 4D2-4D3

early contractions, Appendix G3

fuller forms of place names, 4B5

jurisdictions in place names, 4B4, 4B10.2

modern forms of place names, 4B3, 4B10.2

names of publishers, distributors, etc., 4C8

place of publication, 4B11

publication, distribution, etc., area, 4A3.3

statements of responsibility, 1E9

See also Interpolations

Svenonius, Elaine, III

Symbols, transcription of, 0G1.2, Appendix G1-G5

See also:
